Dr Sébastien BAILLY

Dr Sébastien BAILLY

First Name / Last Name: Sébastien BAILLY
Title or function: Researcher
Affiliation (Lab, university, company) : INSERM / UGA U 1300 HP2 Laboratory Grenoble
Email: sbailly@chu-grenoble.fr
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sébastien-bailly-a2763029

Curriculum Vitae

I am a researcher at the French National Center for medical research (INSERM). I am graduated as Pharm D in 2015 and PhD as biostatistician and methods in medical research in 2015 (Grenoble Alpes University). My field of research is applied methods in observational longitudinal medical including causal inference methods, longitudinal clustering, hidden markov models, etc. which are applied in chronic diseases trajectories. I work on various database, including national and international databases on sleep apnea.

Most important publications

Pepin JL, Bailly S, Tamisier R. Big Data in sleep apnoea: Opportunities and challenges. Respirology. 2020;25(5):486-94.
Bailly S, Meyfroidt G, Timsit JF. What's new in ICU in 2050: big data and machine learning. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44(9):1524-7.
Bailly S, Grote L, Hedner J, Schiza S, McNicholas WT, Basoglu OK, et al. Clusters of sleep apnoea phenotypes: A large pan-European study from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA). Respirology. 2020
Leyrat C, Carpenter JR, Bailly S, Williamson EJ. Common Methods for Missing Data in Marginal Structural Models: What Works and Why. Am J Epidemiol. 2020.

Sébastien BAILLY,
INSERM / UGA U 1300 HP2 Laboratory Grenoble